11 Roses and 3 diamonds

Well well well… yesterday was Jim and I’s one-year anniversary. He got me a dozen (or so I thought) antique roses and we exchanged cute, mushy cards. Jim had mentioned a few days earlier that we should go to the big dune in Holland and watch the sunset. So, we did… and so did 15 other people. In Jim’s mind, this was not ideal… he didn’t want to propose in front of a bunch of strangers, but finally he decided he was going to do it anway. But just as we were going to “leave” I suggested we take a trail up the backside of the dune to see the view. I was looking out over Lake Macatawa and Jim was behind me. I heard him getting in his backpack, but kept looking at the view. Then I heard those three words… “Well Wendy Kay…” I turned around and Jim was on his knee. I immediately started to cry, laugh, and “go into convulsions” (according to Jim). He told me how much he loved me and that this last year had been one of the best and he has had so much fun with me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Then he explained why he was holding a “rose” (actually a rose-shaped ring box). He said he had only given me 11 roses and that he had the other one… with my ring in it!! He asked me to marry him. All I did was hug him, so he had to ask again to make sure that was a yes. It was 🙂

Here are some pics of us and the ring (sorry about the poor quality of the ring picture… I will get a better picture.

Keep May 2006 open!!

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