I love that lyric. It is from Switchfoot song “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine.” Great song and great CD.
I don’t really feel like doing a weekly update this week… just want to bless you with random thoughts.
Have you seen the new nickel??
It’s pretty stinkin sweet. Apparently it is to commemorate Lewis and Clark’s expedition. I never got really excited about coins, but when I saw this one, I kinda let out a gasp of awe
Anyway, we have blinds up in our living room now. It looks pretty nice and now I won’t be stressed out when I sit in the living room at night. I HATE the whole dark outside and uncovered windows thing. I constantly think people are watching me and that a face will appear in the window at any time. Ugh! But, that phase is over thanks to our blinds.
I have been able to catch up with some friends this week, which is always nice. It’s getting harder and harder to keep up with everybody, which is frustrating to me. I know it’s impossible to stay current with everybody all the time, but it would be nice!
Michele and I had 16 girls in our “small group” last night at the.element (7th/8th grade ministry)!! They are all nice girls, but they kind of take on the mob complex when they get together and it’s hard to control them. We’ll see how it goes. That’s a lot of girls for us, but it’s hard to split them up because they are all friends and have come because of someone else in the group.
It’s supposed to be only 58 tomorrow… ewww. But I heard that next week it is supposed to get back up into the high 80s. I guess I can take one day of it and it’s good White Chili weather
Saturday is the AIDS Walk here in Grand Rapids. Mars Hill is taking part in this. I think it will be really good. This group is often rejected because of this disease, I think it’s our duty as Christ followers to show Him to them. I am excited about it.
Readers: please feel free to post comments on here. You can post anonymously if you wish… if you want to tell me how much I stink or that you have a huge crush on me, feel free to post it
Peas out…
Look at me! I am a commenting fool!
I enjoy your updates and comments. How about some pictures of the house.
I agree, some pics of the house would be cool! I miss you, take care!
PS, I’m Pregnant!! Just kidding!
Wendy, I love your letters. They make me laugh, and sometimes I’m in tears. Come over to Ma & Pa Braam’s soon we miss you!
Love, Mom B