It can only get better

Summary of the last 24 hours:

Had a service project last night for the.element. We decided to go around Jenison door-to-door and collect spare change or pops cans. We were going to send the money into International Justice Mission in conjunction with “Loose Change to Loosen Chains.” This ministry works to stop human trafficking and slavery. Michele and I had only one girl show up. We decided to go anyway. First house: I give the reason we are there and that we are from Mars Hill. The guy at the door asks me if I had seen today’s paper. No… He comes back with it and shows me an article about the superintendent of Otsego Baptist Schools who embezzled thousands of dollars from overseas missions. Oh… he says… you are from a church and not a school. But, he and his wife support Mars Hill, so they give us some change. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth houses: Either “we give to too many charities” or “We don’t have any” (LIARS!) or they didn’t even come to the door. Soooo we gave up and turn in pop cans our girl had brought and made our own cups to put spare change in. Hopefully more than one girl will participate 🙂

Today: Got a call to help a staff member with her e-mail. Apparently, her e-mail account hasn’t sent out e-mails for 2 weeks. I looked at her Outbox and sure enough… unsent message from the past 2 weeks. So, I close out Outlook and open it back up. THEY ARE GONE!! AHHH! All the messages she tried to send the past two weeks are now gone. Trying to keep my calm, I go back to the server and… phew… it’s OK. They just disappeared from her laptop. So, I guess that drama turned out OK.

A couple hours ago: Boot up a laptop to work on the wireless. The screen is broken… and the warranty has expired… suh-weet.

I have a splitting headache and I am hungry…

Can I go home yet??

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