Some pictures from our trip to the Palace…
Jim and I by our sweet seats: five rows from the court (thanks to Josh and Michele!)

Antonio McDyess


Crazy Rasheed Wallace (and another shot of Delfino)
It was a great time and they totally kicked the Lakers butt. I didn’t get a pic of Kobe Bryant because my camera died, but Michele got me one, so I will post that later.
Yesterday, Jim and I went to Holland State Park to check out the ice on Lake Michigan. It was so frozen! We walked “on the water” to where we were even with the pier and even from there we couldn’t see any open water. It was all frozen. I have never seen it that frozen. Here are some pics from that.
We are even with the pier here!
No open water in sight!
So cold, but so cool
Jim by the gigantic ice “wave”
man..i’m jealous just seeing those pictures from the pistons. but i’m not jealous of you guys looking like the kid from a christmas story, all bundled up in your winter clothes. 🙂