Running ramblings and lemonade in the lap

The weather lately has reminded me of why I allow myself to live in Michigan. For some reason, I forget all about the other 7 months of winter.
This last week was good. I have been training for the Reeds Lake Run that is this Saturday. I changed my training regiment a little, since it didn’t work so well for the Riverbank. I have been running a little over 4 miles to see if that helps build up my endurance so I can run the 3.1 miles better. It was going well until Saturday. I tried to run 3 miles after running 4 miles three times that week and well… my legs didn’t want to run any further than 2 miles. Whoops… I will give them a rest, try them one more time this week and hopefully they will be good to go on Saturday… I just don’t know if I will ever get my body and this running thing figured out.
Yesterday, we enjoyed a day in Grand Haven with the Bishop’s. It was so nice. Not as hot as last week and I definitely put on the sunblock this time. We hung out on the beach for a few hours and then wandered into town for some good food at K2, in the upstairs of the Kirby House. We ate on their rooftop deck. It was so nice and had such good food. It’s really laid back, so the guys got to eat in their swimtrunks, which is good because half-way through the meal Jim dumped his lemonade in his lap. Oh, how I love him.
This week there are only three people in my department. The rest are on vacation, including my boss. May be time for a spontaneous vacation, huh? Just kidding… sort of.

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3 thoughts on “Running ramblings and lemonade in the lap

  1. We missed you at Ludington. Sounds like you had a nice weekend (probably better than dealing with the many frustrations of a Macker 🙂 )

  2. I’m fighting off feelings of jealousy that ya’ll are so much closer to the lake than us! Boo Lansing.

    Love ya!

  3. Hi! I’m so glad that we can talk this way, too, because now I’m not allowed to be on myspace at work anymore, but we have been SO SLOW!!!!!

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