The Grand Haven 5K… well… is wasn’t easy. I will not complain or make excuses, but I will just state the facts:
1. It was 75 degrees and approximately 75 percent humidity. Sticky and not optimal for running.
2. I have never seen so many hills in a 5K (see above). I will have to train differently for this one next year.
3. I didn’t drink enough water before hand so I got the good old side cramp after the first half mile.
4. They didn’t scan your chip at the start, so your time started when everyone else’s started. So, even if you actually crossed the start line a minute after everyone else, your official time was already a minute in. So, I don’t actually know what my time is. Frustrating.
Again, that’s just the facts.
The rest of the Saturday was OK. Jim didn’t win his basketball tournament, but it was fun. We made it to the race at Berlin. The racer CARSTAR sponsors didn’t do that great, but at least he didn’t crash…
So, I guess we didn’t really succeed at anything yesterday… ha! Sorry, that was a really Debby Downer thing to say. For some reason that feels OK and we had a good, loooong day.
Wendy! I say you were a complete success. You actually woke up EARLY on a Saturday morning, drove to Grand Haven, and ran a 5K! If it means anything (haha), I’m impressed!
Love ya!
hey! you did the picture thing at the top of your blog like we talked about…how did you do that?
you should run this race because:
a) it’s for a good cause
b) ray has to be there for ‘work’
c) ray’s running it
d) forgot what this one was
e) it’s not all that far from you
i know, it’s long, i couldn’t figure out how to link it.