The Reeds Lake Run is tomorrow! Since Jim is playing in the Macker Tournament in Ludington and Michele is growing a human being :-), I will be flying solo. This will be something new, but really, all I have to do is drive, park and run, so it can’t be that hard. 🙂
So yes, Jim is playing in Ludington, so if I can, I will go up for his second game. Then he will be playing on Sunday too. We will drive up both days (which sucks gas) but we don’t have to pay for lodging then… not sure which is more expensive. I am going to go with this: it saves money to drive up (not very confident in that though).
On a side note, I have 25 stinkin mosquito bites on my body. I counted. I may have even missed a few. What is up with the killer mosquitos this year? I can’t even go outside to weed my garden. They are just hovering over the grass. I douse myself in bug spray – it doesn’t matter. I think I will start showering in deet.