I’m baaaack!

Here I am. I have plenty to write about, but I haven’t had the desire / time / whatever to type it out. I will probably forget most of what I was planning to write, but oh well.

For starters: the Grand Rapids Marathon. I finished my half-marathon in 2:23. I told myself when I started that the worst I wanted to do was 2:20, so I did a little worse than I wanted. However, at the end I had to tell myself to keep running and not stop and walk, so I consider it OK. My parents were able to come (they left their home at 5:45 AM!!) and cheered me on. Jim also brought his bike and rode along the route. I saw him 4 or 5 times, so he cheered me on and even gave me chapstick at Millenium Park. 🙂

Me before – it was about 40 degrees – BRRRR!

Dad & Mom

Me with my medal… and luckily still smiling

Other great news: Lorens (pronounced like Lorence) Hansen Bishop was born on Friday morning. He was 6 lbs and 14 oz and was 19 inches long. He is so adorable. Congrats to the new mommy and daddy!

Other news: my trip to Burundi. The dates are December 5-17. I sent out a letter describing the trip and some details about how you can support me. If you didn’t get one and want one, let me know.

I have gotten the medical part mostly taken care of. I had to be sure my shots were up to date, so the Friday before the marathon, I got yellow fever (the live version), tetanus, hepatitis A, polio and influenze. I picked up my malaria and typhoid prescriptions and will start taking those soon. Oh boy! I better not catch anything!

I am very excited and nervous about the trip. It’s definitely a once-in-a-lifetime trip! My favorite part will be the 8 hour flight to Amsterdam… or maybe the 8 hour flight an hour later to Nairobi?? Just kidding!

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One thought on “I’m baaaack!

  1. Oh sister. I know that flight. And it amazingly feels LONGER than 16 hours.
    FYI- you can instantly smell “Africa” when you board the plane to Nairobi. Maybe it’ll help you get used to it before you arrive. 🙂
    Oh, I can’t wait to hear about your trip and I am so pumped for you!!!! Can I go too?

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