Wow. It’s been a while.
What have we been up to? Well, back in October I ran in the Nike Human 10K Race. It was a miserable day and ended starting the race an hour and fifteen minutes late, but I finished and we have pictures to prove we were there:

Then in November, Jim and I headed up to Traverse City for the Iceman Cometh mountain bike race. It was a beautiful weekend! Over 60 degrees the whole weekend – in November! Jim finished the 28 mile race in 2:06 and got 8th in his class. There were over 4400 racers there, so it was crazy. A really great weekend, though. We also paid a visit to the Sleeping Bear Dunes on the way home with Dad and Mom Braam. That was quite an adventure as well.

In other news, I turned 27 this week. Not sure how I feel about that. But, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.
We are very excited for the holidays! Maybe I will post again before the new year. 😉