Well technically, I am 12 weeks and 5 days. Better late than never, right?
I believe my belly has grown bigger. I took a picture on Monday, but don’t have enough guts to post it yet. It will come, it will.
Still feeling about the same. Tiiiiired a lot and have to eat small meals every couple of hours.
This last Saturday I did my first “mom” thing and went to a Mom 2 Mom Sale at the DeltaPlex with Michele and another friend that’s expecting. Let’s just say I wasn’t prepared. In all fairness I am not that far a long and we aren’t going to find the gender out, but I really didn’t have an idea of what I wanted to look for. And man oh man there was everything there! If you already have a baby, are having a baby soon and know what you still need, it would be great. Michele got all of Lorens’s summer clothes for a steal. I got a couple onsies and a couple pajamas in the gender neutral green and yellow. And Michele surprised me with some more PJ’s, too. But, I left after one hour. It was starting to get crowded and hot and I had forgotten my water bottle and mid-morning snack. Not a good combo for me. I went home and laid on the couch the entire day. I was done and plus it was snowing that day (yuck). So, if I go again there are two things I will definitely bring: a plan and a snack!
So other than growing a human, us Braam’s haven’t been up to much. But, that will change in the next couple of weeks. Jim’s first bike race is this weekend, then it’s Easter, showers (not mine yet), another bike race, RiverBank Run, a babymoon (hopefully), graduation open houses, more showers (not mine), class reunions, and a couple girls weekends. Phew! I am going to go lay down. 🙂