Mexico, grease and ping pong

What can I say? I have been ridiculously busy the past weeks. Work has been kicking my butt with a capital “K.” 🙂 However, knock on wood, I think it will start to get a little better. We did an entire network restructure, moved the Parent Pager database to a new server, and I am in the process of doing a makeover on our workroom which includes $15,000 in hardware and software. Sooo, not much is going on.
As for non-work things, specifically wedding things: we picked out the tuxes, I finished our registries at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond (I think), picked up the rest of the stuff we need to make our invitations this Saturday, planned and booked our honeymoon ( Woot woot!
Chad and Linsday are married!! It was a beautiful wedding and now they are on their honeymoon in Hawaii. Aloha!
We had a Superbowl party at our house. That was tons of fun and food. Jim and I made homemade mozzarella sticks. I even deep-fried them. Can’t say I enjoyed that though. Grease and oil are pretty gross. They got rave reviews though 🙂

My parents gave us their ping pong table. It’s made out of wood if that tells you anything about its age… but it works! We set it up and have been honing our ping pong skills, so that we can beat everyone. So last night we went out and bought some more balls and paddles. We found a nice little package of two paddles, three balls, a net, and the net fastener for $17.99. Then… Jim found the paddle he just HAD to have. It had a European on the package, so it had to be good… and it was $21.00. What?? yeah… so we got that paddle and all the other stuff. I didn’t notice any change in his play with the new paddle… I still beat him once. But, he claims it will make him better and he needs it to be able to beat Josh Brandsen and Josh Bishop. We will see…
Well… back to work I suppose. Have a good week!

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4 thoughts on “Mexico, grease and ping pong

  1. Wendell, two things:
    1) You + hot grease= not a good thing 🙂
    2) Loved you seeing for the Superbowl!
    Chaeli L:)

  2. um, ‘from Michele’ was supposed to go underneath the last entry…cuz I forgot it…now I am a tool for trying to fix all this…and now my threat isn’t as cool as I thought it would be… haha.

  3. thank you thank you for Moulin Rouge!! all i could thing about during school was “i wanna listen to my CD!” so thats what got me through the day

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