What time is it? It’s tooth-hurty!!

I was always happy about one thing in particular… I didn’t have any wisdom tooth. They even took X-rays. “I think you will be OK, Wendy. We don’t see any wisdom teeth there.”

Sure, I had the “phantom” tooth that would come down almost to my gums, but never break through. It was a little annoying, but hey it didn’t come in, so it was OK.

Well well… apparently, the “phantom” had an evil twin on the other side. That little sucker came in right before the wedding, but wasn’t causing any trouble. Oh, but this week, he is making his presence known. He doesn’t play well with the others. He pushes all my other teeth around. He digs into my cheek and the back of my mouth. Who does he think he is? He thinks he can just come in and shove everyone else around? I mean, seriously! He’s only been here for a little over a month. The others have been here for years.

Anyway, I trying to get on Jim’s dental plan so that they can pay for the couple thousand dollar oral surgery I get to have. I actually hope it’s soon because this little guy needs to be shown who is boss. No one can just move into my mouth and push everyone else around. I won’t stand for it!!

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2 thoughts on “What time is it? It’s tooth-hurty!!

  1. Poor Wendy, I hope all does well. Boy what a start to married life. Kidney stones and now oral surgery!
    Love ya

  2. I know! It’s like we are allergic to each other. Thanks for the love 🙂

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